The Kingdom of heaven is within you, said Jesus. Your body is a temple for the Spirit of God. On this earth plane, a person is influenced by their flesh and, in many ways, the influence of the flesh determines a person's level of spiritual development. According to Cayce and the Eastern religions, within your body are seven spiritual centers. Through these spiritual centers, our spiritual force finds a means of expression. Our bodies are like a miniature solar system with our hearts performing the function of the sun, the center of the system. The seven spiritual centers are the seven endocrine glands which are the Pituitary gland (the "third eye"), the Pineal gland, the Thyroid, the Thymus, the Adrenal glands, the Lyden gland, and finally the sexual gland (the testes or ovaries). These glands are known by science to be the emotional and motivational centers of the body. They act especially in responses to the imaginative forces of the mind. For example, when you get angry, the Adrenals secrete. The activity of the sexual glands is directly related to sexual motivation. Science knows that the Pituitary is the master gland of the body. It's secretions have a direct and coordinating effect on all the other glands. According to Cayce and the Eastern religions, each spiritual center is connected to a different plane of spiritual consciousness. The lowest spiritual center, the sexual glands, is influenced by the lowest plane of consciousness. The Pituitary gland is influenced by the highest plane of consciousness. The plane of consciousness one travels to upon death is generally determined by the spiritual center that has the greater influence in a person's life. The following is a chart showing how these spiritual centers and the planes of consciousness go together. It begins with the highest level of consciousnes and ends with the lowest level.
JUPITER ---- the plane of Strength --- Pituitary gland
MERCURY - the plane of Mind ------- Pineal gland
URANUS ---- the plane of Psyche ----- Thyroid gland
VENUS ------- the plane of Love ------- Thymus gland
MARS -------- the plane of Anger ------ Adrenal glands
NEPTUNE --- the plane of Mysticism - Lyden gland
SATURN ----- the plane of Woes ------- Sex glands
The energy of the sexual glands, used wholly on the sexual level and without control, may bring sexual perversions and unbridled sensuality. If this spiritual center is the most influential in a person's life, at death the spirit may travel to the corresponding spiritual plane of Saturn, the plane of Woes, according to Cayce.
The Lyden gland, located above the sexual gland, is the starting point of the soul's activity. It is the door through which the soul may go on to higher planes of consciousness. The corresponding spiritual plane for this spiritual center is the plane of Neptune, the plane of Mysticism.
The Adrenal glands are located above the kidneys. We are actively aware of this center in times of stress, when it pours adrenalin into the blood stream to aid us in fighting or fleeing. The Adrenals are also the storehouse of our emotional karma according to Cayce. From this center comes the negative energy of anger and hatred. If this spiritual center is the most influential spiritual center before death, the spirit may travel to the corresponding plane of Mars, the plane of Anger.
The Thymus gland is found behind the heart in the solar plexus area of the chest. Since the Thymus is related to the heart it is associated with love. Love opens all doors. At this center, love is awakened, bringing with it consideration, unselfishness, sincerity and honesty. It's corresponding plane is Venus, the plane of Love.
The Thyroid, located in the throat, is related to will-power. From the misuse of the will for selfish and domineering ends, may come the condition known as hyper-thyroidism. When little effort is made to the will at all, the opposite may occur, an imbalance known as hypo-thyroidism. It is worthy of note that in some cases where there has been a growth on the Thyroid, a degree of clairvoyance or telepathy has developed. The energy released upon the Thyroid opens the door into the psychic realms of consciousness, the plane of Uranus, the plane of the Psyche.
The Pineal gland is situated a little above the Pituitary and is the "Mind of Christ" center. When this center has been truly awakened, one may experience spiritual holy communion. It is at this center that the mind of the soul meets the Holy Spirit. This center, when stimulated daily through meditation, can bring seership or prophecy. It's corresponding plane of consciousnes is the plane of Mercury, the plane of Mind.
The Pituitary is the master gland of the body. It is situated between and behind the eyes in the brain, acting as the "third eye" of ancient mysticism. It is through the Pituitary, the highest spiritual center, that ultimate awakening comes. It is through the energy of the Pituitary that one may enter the very presence of God through meditation and prayer. It's corresponding spiritual plane is Jupiter, the plane of Strength.
The Kingdom of heaven is truly within us and our bodies are temples for the Holy Spirit. We seek God and His Kingdom by looking within ourselves. Through meditation and prayer, one can unlock the doors to the many dimensions, the many mansions, of God's Kingdom. But the door must first be unlocked here on this earth plane, the plane of the flesh.
In interpreting the Book of Revelation in the Bible, Cayce made some astonishing statements. In the beginning chapters in Revelation, John sees a vision of a book with seven seals. This book symbolizes John's body with the seven spiritual centers. In the vision, John weeps as he realizes that no one in heaven or earth is worthy to open the seals of the book. However, there appears a Lamb, the Christ, with seven eyes, who opens the seven seals one by one. This sequence of events in the vision is extremely important and instructive for us in the initial stages of our awakening. The awareness that no one is worthy enough to open thses seals except Christ, should indicate to us that no attempt to open these centers, whether by drugs, hypnosis, breathing exercises, or other specialized meditation or inner awareness techniques, should be made unless the seeker has firmly set his spiritual ideals and is so directed by the spirit within. The seven eyes of the Lamb symbolize the seven spiritual centers. They are the organs of perception through which we may become aware of other planes and dimensions in the same way that our commonly known five senses are organs of perception of our earth experience.
Although we have learned to think of God as One or Triune, the Revelation speaks repeatedly of the seven spirits of God. This expression suggests seven different functions of the Divine Spirit. Thus we, as children of God made in His image, contain within us the corresponding spiritual sensory centers, which give us the potential of becoming aware of the seven aspects of the Divine.
The body is the temple of the living God both as the place where we may meet Him and as an instrument of awareness through which we may attune to Him. As an instrument for attunement, the endocrine glands serve as points of contact between the Spirit and the body. These centers are the transformers of the One Force of Spirit into physical consciousness and manifestation. The functioning of these centers is, in turn, dependent primarily upon the quality of motivation or ideal chosen and dwelt upon by the imaginative forces of the mind.