Time Travel or the Possibility of Global Causality
by Ian Woolf
God cannot effect that anything which is past should not have been,
it is more impossible than raising the dead" - Thomas Aquinas The biggest
problem facing time travel is paradoxes. One way of avoiding them is to
travel only on a one-way trip to the future. Relativistic time dilation
has been a standard item in physics since Einstein demonstrated in 1905
that as an object approached the speed of light, the time in its frame
of reference would slow down or dilate. This demonstrates that space travel
is time travel. Time dilation was verified in 1971 with speeding clock
by Hafele and Keating using a jet. Calling on general relativity, it has
been demonstrated that time moves at a slower rate near gravity sources.
This was demonstrated with clocks synchronized on Earth and then flown
in satellites and aircraft. Even the difference between tall buildings
and tunnels can be detected, tiny though it is. Thus travelling near a
black hole will slow down your local time rate, allowing you to travel
one-way to the far future. Both these techniques have been widely used
in science fiction. Another method is suspended animation of the cold sleep,
or stasis variety. Which have been used for one-way trips since Rip Van
Winkle and HG Wells "The Sleeper Wakes", to Vernor Vinge's "Across Realtime",
where stasis bubbles are global weapons and devices for travelling to the
future. Real time travel means going back in time. Most people won't settle
for less than going to the future and coming back to the present again.
Which means travelling to the past. However an object appearing in the
past violates the physical law of Conservation of Matter and Energy, regardless
of the balance evening out some time in the future. This means that time
travel into the past is impossible by current physics, but that doesn't
necessarily stop us altogether. No conservation laws are broken if we can
only observe the past with our time machine. In 1905 a story has a telescope
that focuses light from Earth reflected by distant planets in "The time
reflector". In 1904 Jean Delaire wrote "Around a distant star" where he
has a spaceship travelling Faster Than Light across 2000 light years. They
turn their telescopes to Earth to watch Jesus in Galilee. John Wyndham
wroter "Pawley's Peepholes", where people in the future put in a ghostly
tourist presence in a town and annoy the townspeople into retaliation.
Asimov's "The Dead Past" shows that viewing the past means the end of privacy,
for if you can view 1000 years ago, you can just as easily view 5 minutes
ago. Michael Moorcocks "Dancers at the End of Time" has time travellors
caught because they cannot travel back, so they live in "menageries" as
pets of the all-powerful Dancers. The "Morphail effect" allowing jumps
forward in time only. Einstein's relativity of simultaneity states that
once you travel faster than light, you are travelling into the past according
to some observers, and that therefore an FTL traveller can return before
he leaves. As recorded in the limerick: There was a young lady called Bright
Who travelled much faster than light she travelled one day, in a relative
way, -- and returned home the previous night! This prediction is what worried
many physicists about the announcement in April of photons travelling faster
than light in a laboratory experiment. However, its is now thought that
the observers who see you travelling into the past are seeing an illusion,
and that there are other observers who will see you also travelling into
the future. Science marches on, and it is possible that at some time a
new physics may get around the Law of conservation of energy violation,
but travel backwards is still fraught with difficulties. Changing the past
is dangerous. "The main purpose of time travel is to change the past; and
the prime danger is that the Traveler might change the past." -- Larry
Niven Hopefully your time machine will deposit you at a different place
to where you started, so that you don't try to occupy the same space and
explode. Ray Bradbury's "Sound of Thunder" is a warning of the consequences
of changing the past, and the earliest use of the butterfly effect. A time
traveller accidentally steps on a Triassic butterfly and changes the results
of an election in his own time. This view is where the travellers are the
only people aware of any change, protected by being outside of time when
history changes. In "The Brooklyn Project" by William Tenn (1948), nobody
notices the changes, because their memories are altered as the past is
changed. The reader watches the experimenters cycle through major and amusing
changes, completely oblivious that their experiment has had a result. In
"The Man from When" by Dannie Plachta a time traveller from the future
reveals that the energy reuired to send him back destroyed the earth of
his day, and he has travelled back a total of eighteen minutes. Saul-Paul
Sirag suggests that the first time machines will have bugs that will create,
unintentially, a series of wrinkles or weirdnesses in the time-flow, which
rolling backwards will create the "occult" events that attracted many intelligent
people in the late 60's and early 70's. "General relativity suggests that
if we construct a sufficiently large rotating cylinder, we create a time
machine", says Frank Tipler. By spinning a body of ultra-dense matter until
the space-time continuum gives way in disgust..This requires vast amounts
of energy, and lots of superdense matter travelling at near-light speeds.
In the late 1980's Kip Thorne of Caltech conceived of a "wormhole" consissting
of a pair of connected black holes, creating a tunnel held open by exotic
matter. The tunnel's "mouth's" could, in theory be open to different times.
Stephen Hawking ruled this out as a time machine because radiation would
loop around and around the wormhole doubling its strength each time until
it was destroyed by "boiling away". However, the Febuary 1995 issue of
New Scientist reports that Li-Xin of the Chinese Centre of Advanced Science
and Technology in Beijing has calculated a work-around to avoid the energy
build up, using mirrors and relativity. Li's working time machine requires
two wormhole mouths each about 10 kilometres in diameter. Li adds a perfectly
reflecting sphere, about the same size as each mouth, between the two and
exactly on a line joining their centres. The wormhole mouths would then
be moved close to, but not touching the mirror(Physical Review D, vl 50,
p R6037). Any radiation leaking from one wormhole mouth into the tunnel
itself will be reflected away into the Universe at large, harmlesly. The
mirror would have to be a perfect reflector of every type of radiation,
but any civilsation able to build wormholes should find this easy. Whatever
the practicalities, it appears that there are situtations described by
Einstein's equations, under which stable time machines can exist. To me
this suggests that General relativity is due for replacement. Very strange
possibilities are opened up, as closed causal loops become possible. Imagine
the following: One morning I come into my lab. At 11:59 a small two-minute
time machine appears on the bench. To test it, I set it to jump back two
minutes at 12:01. At 12:01 it disappears. To understand this, a Minkowski
world-line diagram is useful. In figure174 you can see the loop clearly.
There is no contradiction here, but its certainly a weird situation. Nothing
is actually moving, there is simply a circular loop. According to quantum
mechanics empty space seethes with liitle matter-antimatter loops. Energy,
carried by a photon can be briefly conveted to mass, then reconverted back
to energy. At any one point, one might have an electron and a positron
emerging out of nothing, only to bump into each other and disappear. Positrons
are sometimes thought of as electrons that travel backwards in time. Positrons
have the same mass, spin, size, etc as an electron. The only difference
is that electrons have negative charge, and positrons a positive charge.
Whenever they meet up they disappear in a flash of light, this is called
mutual annihilation. The other side of the coin is that when you create
an electron out of nothing, you also create a positron at the same time.
This process is called pair production. Robert Heinlein wrote the two definitive
closed causal loop stories "All you Zombies" and "By his bootstraps". In
the first, a man is able via time travel and a sex change to be his own
mother, his own father, and his own daughter. In the second, a man meets
interacts with many future and past selves going over the same experiences
from a different perspective each time. Backwards living is best expressed
in Phillip K. Dick's "A little something for us Tempunauts" and "Counter
Clock World". People are disinterred from the cemetary and live their lives
backwards to the womb. This was also the subject of an award-winning episode
of the TV series "Red Dwarf". Unfortunately anyone attempting this in a
universe with foward time-flow like ours, will become antimatter and explode.
The biggest problem with time travel is that it leads to physical paradoxes,
to contradictions in the fabric of reality. The major example being the
Grandfather Paradox, which is about travelling into the past and smothering
your grandfather in his cradle. This results in you never being born and
so never travelling back to kill him. Therefore you are born and do kill
him. If you kill him then you don't. Thus he is both dead and alive. Changing
the past is full of Grandfather paradoxes. Seeing the future and then changing
the present is just as bad. If one travels to the future, or sees in the
future that a big war is coming, so you return to the present to prevent
it. Thus the war never happens, so there was no evidence of war for your
earlier self to find. When he appears, he finds nothing and gives no warning,
so the war does happen. Another Grandfather paradox. One way of resolving
the paradoxes is the proposal that travel sideways in time to alternative
universes is what happens when you attempt time travel. Many authors have
explored the theme of alternative histories, however this isn't really
time travel. The other solution is that the Universe has a law of Conservation
of Reality that prevents global causality violation on any but a small
scale. In Isaac Asimov's classic "The endochronic properties of resublimated
thiotimoline" a new chemical powder dissolves BEFORE the water is added,
acting on future knowledge. After lots of clever ideas are explored, then
scientists try to fool the powder by not adding water after it dissolves.
A Conservation of Events is invoked, and a tidal wave ensures that the
dissolved powder gets wet on schedule. Many authors have invoked a law
of Conservation of Events to heal breaks in time, for instance in Fritz
Leiber's "Change War" stories. A soldier tries to prevent a man's death
by gunshot, and when he finally succeeds, a small meteorite speeds through
the window and kills him with a bullet-sized hole in the head. Thus paradoxes
get resolved. Kill your grandfather and you will likely take his place,
after all you're already carrying his genes, and you're now an extra on
the stage of history. In Michael Moorcock's "Behold the man" a time traveller
visiting Jesus Christ becomes forced to impersonate him. Larry Niven pointed
out that the end result of such smoothings by every Tom, Dick and Harry
time travelling meddler, would be a universe in which no time machine was
ever invented. Thus he propounds Niven's Law of Time Travel which states
that in any Universe where time travel is possible, it will never be invented.
References: Great mambo Chicken and the Transhuman Condition by Ed Regis
"Time Travel: its all done with smoke and mirrors" by John Gribbin, New
Scientist 4 February 1995 Profiles of the Future by Arthur C. Clarke The
Theory and practice of Time travel by Larry Niven, All the Myriad Ways
1971 Cosmic Trigger by Robert Anton Wilson The fourth dimension and how
to get there by Rudy Rucker The Visual Encyclopaedia of Science Fiction
edited by Brian Ash